We’re nearly at the end of an incredibly turbulent year - 2020 sure has been an unexpected roller coaster in every way possible, but the good news is that we’ve made it through! A new year around the corner means new possibilities, plans, and most importantly - a new beginning to make the coming year a whole lot better.
We’ve all been there, at the start of every year we make a monumental list of thing we’re about to change to really glow up our lives. Too often though, we make far too drastic changes that are entirely unsustainable, and then end up giving up on our goals not even half-way into the year.
So, what can we do differently this time around - to make sure that we actually stick to our goals throughout the year? Well, it has once been rightly said - “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step”. The right way to building a new life for yourself is to always begin with small, yet impactful changes that can easily be incorporated into your everyday life - to make a big difference.
For many of us, these resolutions look a lot like wanting to lose weight, getting fit or simply gifting ourselves a healthier lifestyle. We’ve been there too, and know exactly how you feel - getting in shape and giving our bodies the lifestyle they deserve is never an easy feat, especially when it sometimes comes at the cost of giving up our favourite foods! So, how do you craft the best life for your body and yourself while still giving yourself a slice of happiness every now and then?
Cake is one of our favourite things, and something completely unavoidable as a part of life. Whoever you are, wherever you’ve been - cake makes its way into your life at least once a year, and hopefully even more. Whatever the celebration, cakes are always a staple and we believe they’re an absolutely essential ingredient to living a sweet life - and we definitely don’t plan on giving up cake anytime soon!
How exactly do we plan on getting on track while still keeping our physical health in check? By caring about our mental health at the same time, of course! When it comes to making long-term lifestyle changes, it is always best to seek balance rather than completely eliminating your favourite foods. This doesn’t just give you wiggle room to actually enjoy what you eat, but also makes you less stressed out about avoiding certain foods, and occasions that would put you in close proximity with them! And less stress means a healthier mind, body and spirit - as stress hasn’t just been linked to low mental health levels, but also higher fat percentage levels! Can you believe that?
So instead of punishing your body this coming new year, work on achieving that balance and intuitive relationship with food so you can truly relish every slice of life! go on ahead, and conquer 2021 - glow up and be the best version of yourself, all while letting yourself satiate your sweet tooth with CakeRush!